
Do you have a question about your package? Then please read our FAQ, where the most frequently asked questions are answered. You will most likely find an answer here! You don't want to do it? Then you can always contact us.


1. where is my parcel?

The average delivery time for our parcels is 5 to 10 working days. This is because we are a company that cares about the world and nature, and we don't want to send out just a few orders a day. We collect parcels in large quantities, and when we reach our minimum quantity, we send them all at once. We hope you understand this and want to help us create a better and healthier world.

2. 10 working days have passed and I still haven't received my package?

We are sorry that this has happened.... Have you checked the track & trace code? Sometimes parcels get stuck at customs. Please wait another 5 days. We apologise for the inconvenience, but in 99% of these cases the parcel will still be delivered. Have you waited 10 working days and another 5 days? Then please contact us and we will find a solution together.

Where can I find my tracking code?

Once your order is shipped, you will automatically receive a tracking code. It takes about 2 to 4 days until you receive a track & trace code. Also check your spam folder as our emails can sometimes end up there. Remember that it can take a few working days for your Track & Trace system to become active.

4. How can I track my order?

You can track your order using the Track & Trace code you received by email. Enter the tracking number on our tracking page to find out the status of your delivery. You can do this on this page.

5. I am not satisfied with my package

Please contact us with an explanation + photo/video of the problem and we will help you as soon as possible.

6. haven't found what you are looking for yet?

Do you have a question or suggestion? Great! Have you read our FAQ first?

Most questions have already been answered here, so you don't need to contact us! Of course, if you can't find the answer to your question, you can always contact us.

We can be reached daily between 09:00 and 18:00 by e-mail;

And by phone on weekdays between 09:00 - 18:00: +31 6 24224616

GT Ecom B.V.

Netherlands,  Betuwehaven 8, 3433 PV PV Nieuwegein

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